The project InnoNet is in response to the current situation in the Czech business to promote innovative activities of Czech companies in the form of meeting small and medium-sized enterprises and representatives of research, science and academia , and government and their mutual exchange of contacts.
Project Description
Innovative Networking Project ( InnoNet ) is a project aimed at building on the current situation in the Czech business to promote innovative activities of Czech companies in the form of meeting small and medium-sized enterprises with high innovation potential among themselves and representatives of research , scientific and academic communities and the mutual exchange of contacts and best practices in the field of innovative entrepreneurship.
The project builds on the basic strategic planning documents such as the International Competitiveness Strategy for the years 2012 – 2020 ( Strategic Innovation pillar , subtitled “Innovation – the source of future prosperity Czech Republic” , Project No. 38-43 , the most important project for the development of cooperation projects 9.40 for the transfer of knowledge between companies and R & D sector and 9.41 Developing cooperation between enterprises) and Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic for 2012 – 2020 period.
Objectives of the project
The main objective of the project is to encourage innovative activities of Czech companies to increase their competitiveness in the global economic environment , sub- goals are then:
Project activities
The most important project activities will be organizing regular meetings of innovative networking ( InnoNetů ) , with a focus on cooperation in various fields. They take turns InnoNety whose participants are exclusively SMEs and meetings at which representatives will also participate in science and research and academia .
Sub- project activities will be implemented through this major project activities will be as follows :