Festival event to promote innovative approaches to business
Prague, 26 -27.10. 2016
Material and human resources – Finance – Marketing – ICT solutions – Logistics – Consulting – Services
Festival event to promote innovative approaches to business
Prague, 26 -27.10. 2016
Material and human resources – Finance – Marketing – ICT solutions – Logistics – Consulting – Services
The main objectives of the project „Smart Business Festival“ is to offer potential, start-up and established companies wide range of tools which they can use to make their businesses more effective using technological, social and economic innovation. The motto of the project is:
Do your business innovative and clever!
The organisers aim to involve a broad range of companies and self-employed people across business sectors in order to:
a) Inform about news and “smart” solutions in the area of the main themes of the festival offer,
b) Alert to services, which can companies use free or low-cost to rationalize their business,
c) Enable direct contact between all actors of the business support and exchange of information and best practices in an innovative approach to business,
d) Provide a comparison with other EU member states with a similar situation as in the Czech Republic
e) To offer to participants insight into the Czech gastronomy and design using innovative solutions in the form of an attractive accompanying program
The primary target group of the festival are potential, startup, but also well-established companies, small and medium czech companies that are interested in a potential to change established approaches to business and take advantage of new solutions that offers modern times.The most important added value of the festival for them may be to obtain information and contacts and thanks to them they can include new elements designed to rationalize costs and better use of company resources to their businesses.
Secondarily, the target groups are as well:
1. Companies and institutions offering to festival participants clever, innovative solutions in eight main focus areas of the Festival, which are: Material resources – Human Resources – Finance – Marketing – Logistics – Digital Solutions – Consulting – Services. For these members of the target group will be allocated a space to present their offers and experiences in lectures and the exhibition part of the festival.
2. Institutions aimed at promoting business: bringing companies together and offer to their members and companies broad range of services. The companies can also inform the participants of the festival how these services can help them. The aim is to raise awareness about the activities and focus of the institution, as well as the acquisition of new members or clients.
The involvement of state and European institutions to support companies (Ministry of Industry and Trade, CzechInvest, the European Commission – DG Internal Market, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, the European Commission Representation in Prague, etc.) and trade associations (Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and Crafts CZ) and other business support networks (Enterprise Europe network Czech Republic etc.). is desirable.
3. Czech and foreign companies with a positive experience with the implementation of smart solutions: the purpose of their involvement is to present the achievements in the use of smart innovative approaches to business, “best practices”, which helped to the company to save on its costs, achieved a significant increase in sales and expanded into a new industry. Members of the target group will be involved primarily in the lecture part of the festival, presentation of experience from Czech national as well as from the surrounding European environment is also desirable, because the initial conditions for doing business in the EU are very similar.
4. Czech and foreign companies offering smart solutions in the field of gastronomy and design: the purpose of their involvement in the project is to present their products and services to participants of the Festival as well as the creation of attractive accompanying program offering tastings and presentations smart food product design and other practical products and services.
The program on the first day of the Smart Business Festival will be divided into four sections:
1. Opening Ceremony and information services to support smart business
2. Thematic panel discussion – best practices in the field of smart business in the individual program areas of the Festival
3. Organised business meetings – B2B Smart Business Event Organised business meetings – B2B Smart Business Event
4. Exposure section with practical examples of “smart business” solutions
Accompanying program – a clever Czech gastronomy and design
The program of the second day of the Smart Business Festival will focus on special topic: Industry 4.0 in regular business practice. The programm is devided to following parts:
1. The opening ceremony and speech of exclusive foreign guest to the theme of P4.0
2. International Panel Discussion – approaches to P4.0
3. Organised business meetings – B2B Event
4. Exposure section with practical examples of using elements of Industry 4.0 in business practice
5. The accompanying program continues- a clever Czech gastronomy and design
The festival is included in the European week for small and medium enterprises. The European Commission accentuate the importance of MSP for European economy by this European week.
Following this the Smart Business Festival focus on exchanging information, contacts and best practices among companies within the EU, especially in Central Europe (immediate neighbors Czech Republic – V4 countries, Germany and Austria) because the business conditions is very similar – It affects the geographical layout of the region, traditional industries and the common historical development. The aim is to enrich Czech companies with positive experiences and innovative practices with proven success in the participating countries.
The Festival also aims to inspire participants by EU-wide and global technological leaders in the field of advanced digitization of industrial production. For the guests of the Festival will be also here participants from Japan, Taiwan and USA.
Regarding the the presented areas, the Festival will especially focus on:
1. In its presentation to the Resources section of smart solutions for:
2. The Finance Section will bring new perspectives on:
3. Marketing part of the Festival aims to introduce:
4. In the Logistics block of the Festival will be presented the possibilities:
5. In the ICT part of the Festival will be presented the smart approaches for:
6. The Consulting block of the Festival will offer:
7. The Services part will present:
8. In the second day of the Festival we will also attend to to the topic of cyber revolution and the phenomenon of Industry 4.0. In this part of the Festival will be offered the perspectives on all these areas with using Internet in the company practices and streamlining company operations through the use of interconnected cybernetic systems.Participants can look forward to 4.0 Industry in corporate practice, in the scheme “Industry 4.0 Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” and within program areas:
Information about legal and regulatory consequences associated with successful implementation of Industry 4.0 in companies and elements of the cyber revolutio throughout the company
The Festival will offer its participants a smart business added value consist of:
all in order to rationalize production costs, streamlining processes and modernize operations of the entire company
in two days, and at one point under the Smart Business Festival – Festival of smart business.