FESTIVAL OF EXPORT EN 2015 Information – contact – networking event in support of Czech exports and international business cooperation
Prague, 17 to 18 6th 2015 nformation and contact action in support of Czech exports and international business cooperation
Prague, June 17 to 18, 2015
Export news for all – Export Advice – Territorial and sectoral information – Sharing export contacts – Art and flavors of four continents What is the festival Export CZ?


Information – contact – networking event in support of Czech exports and international business cooperation
Prague, 17 to 18 6th 2015
Export Festival 2015
nformation and contact action in support of Czech exports and international business cooperation
Prague, June 17 to 18, 2015
Export news for all – Export Advice – Territorial and sectoral information – Sharing export contacts – Art and flavors of four continents
What is the festival Export CZ?
Presentation – information – networking event in support of Czech exports and foreign trade cooperation.
In 2015, the association CzechInno organises III. annual event that focuses on meeting of private companies with government representatives and institutions in order to promote entrepreneurship and export, to support export activities of the Czech companies and their international business cooperation, to supply them with current news and contacts which are necessary for successful export, and to introduce them business and cultural customs from attractive export destinations.Festival has been growing continuously since its first year in 2014, its second year was attended by more than 600 participants from 24 countries who heard lectures from 55 lecturers, visited 51 exhibitions prepared by exhibitors from 18 countries; we are ready to double all these numbers in forthcoming year 2015.

For this oncoming event of Festival for Export CZ 2015, the association CzechInno determined to focus its attention on export of innovative products and services in accordance with its mission; and help companies to deal successfully with the export problems caused by the Ukrainian crisis in 2014.

What are the objectives of the project Export CZ Festival 2015?

  • Encourage the export activity of the Czech companies and their international business cooperation.
  • Enhance the competitiveness of the Czech companies in the global economy.
  • Involve all relevant participants from the ranks of government institutions that are aimed at export promotion.
  • Reach the most successful Czech exporters, who can present their achievements and become “mentors” for novice exporters.
  • Activation of the companies that are starting to export or considering it.
  • Arrange the representative meetings involving all the above mentioned entities.
  • Increase awareness of all participants about the possibilities of mutual cooperation in the field of export and foreign trade cooperation.

Who is the project of the Festival Export CZ for?
Novice and potential exporters who want to get enough important information and contacts for successful implementation of export activities
Other export participants:

  • the government and other institutions in an order to promote export and enterprises internationalization
  • the successful Czech exporters and other participants in foreign trade
  • the major foreign companies with the potential cooperation with Czech partners
  •  the organizations associating SME (small and medium enterprises) with the transnational business cooperation potential.

What is on the program of the Festival Export CZ?
The program of III. Export CZ Festival will be divided into 5 blocks:
1) Export news for everyone: lecture blocks of selected export supporting participants containing important information from the international trade and export and news from the area of export promotion, which will take place the first day in the afternoon:

The territorial and sectoral export information: lectures about the possibilities of business cooperation with emphasis on priority and interest territories according to the Export Strategy of the Czech Republic and also on traditional or dynamically developing sectors of the Czech industry, which fills the afternoon on the second day of the Festival.

Export consultancy tailored to your needs: participants will have the chance to consult their export issues with an expert specialist representing the area of international trade – on their exposures for both days of Festival.

Business contact sharing:
a. In the context of a formal programme of the Festival: Introductory lecture block – in the afternoon of the first day of the Festival; and territorial and sectoral workshops- in the morning of the second day of the Festival,
b. Within the bounds of the accompanying programme of the Festival: exposure in the corporate and territorial section during both days of the Festival,
c. In the context of social networking on the festive evening of the Festival – held the first day of the Festival, invitation for VIP guests only.

Arts and flavors of four continents: supporting program consisting of entertaining features, arts and culture presentations and tastings of gourmet specialties focused mainly on the presentation of priority export-oriented countries .

What do you acquire by your participation on the Festival Export CZ?

Every participant of the Festival Export CZ will gain indisputable added value in acquisition of:
a) the general current information for export and international trade (lecture blocks – export news for everyone)
b) counseling tailored to the participant´s company and its needs, and contacts important for successful export activities (bilateral consultations with specialists from CzechTrade agency, EEN, Directorate General of Customs and other institutions and companies from the area of International Trade – Export information tailored to your needs)
c) territorial information (presentation of joint chambers of commerce and embassies of the countries included in the priority interest and export-oriented country with the possibility of obtaining direct contacts with foreign business partners)
d) company presentation possibility at the event with a maximum of partners with respect to their typology: government, business representation, active and potential exporters and trading partners, that all in the heart of Europe – in Prague
e) view on art and gastronomy of continents, where are located the priority interests and export promotion countries (the accompanying program – section art and flavors of four continents), all in one place – in Prague at the Festival of Export CZ 2015.


General expert partner
Main expert partners
Media expert partners
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