Information and Contact Event to Support Czech Export of Innovations and International Business Cooperation
Prague, 18th – 19th June 2014
Congress Centre Prague, 5. května 65, CZ – Praha 4

Export News – Export Fitted Info – InnoNet – Arts and Flavours of the Four Continents What is Export Festival CZ 2014?

Information and Contact Event to Support Czech Export of Innovations and International Business Cooperation
Prague, 18th – 19th June 2014
Congress Centre Prague, 5. května 65, CZ – Praha 4

Export News – Export Fitted Info – InnoNet – Arts and Flavours of the Four Continents

Export Festival 2014

What is Export Festival CZ 2014?

Presentation – Information – Networking event to support Czech export of innovations and international business cooperation.

In 2014, the association CzechInno organises this second annual event, which focuses on companies’ meeting with representatives of government and institutions to promote entrepreneurship and export in order to promote export activities of Czech companies and their international business cooperation, to supply them with current information and contacts necessary for a successful export and at the same time to introduce them business and cultural practices of attractive export destinations. For 2014, the association CzechInno plans to support mainly export of innovative products and services.
What are the objectives of the project Export CZ Festival 2014 ?

  • To encourage export activities of Czech companies and their international business cooperation.
  • To increase the competitiveness of Czech companies in the global economy.
  • To involve all relevant stakeholders among state institutions aimed at promoting export.
  • To reach the most successful Czech exporters who can present their achievements and become “mentors” of exporters-beginners.
  • To activate companies that are starting to export or are thinking of it .
  • To arrange a meeting with the participation of representatives of the above mentioned entities.
  • To increase participants’ understanding of the possibilities of mutual cooperation in the field of export and foreign trade cooperation.

To whom Export Festival CZ is intended?

  • To novice and potential exporters who want to get plenty of useful information and contacts for the successful implementation of export activities;
  • To the other actors of export:
    o Governmental and other institutions aimed at support export and internationalization of enterprises
    o Successful Czech exporters and other actors in foreign trade
    o Major international companies with the potential of cooperation with Czech partners
    o Organizations associating SMEs with potential of transnational business cooperation

What will you find at Export Festival CZ?

Program II . Export CZ Festival will be divided into 5 blocks :

  • Export News for All: lecture blocks of selected actors of export support containing important information for international trade and export and news in the area of export promotion.
  • Territorial Information: lectures about the business opportunities with an emphasis on priority and interest territories according to the Export Strategy of the Czech Republic. This block also contains presentations of Embassies of these states as well as joint chambers of commerce focused on cooperation with these territories at InfoPoints in the separate room.
  • Export Fitted Info and Business Contacts Sharing: a series of bilateral meetings with Czech specialists in international trade and matchmaking meeting InnoNet.
  • Export Wizards – Company Presentations: lectures of the most successful Czech exporters about their strategies and successes in foreign trade. InfoPoints with presentations of innovative products and services that have experienced the greatest successes abroad.
  • Arts and Flavours of the Four Continents: accompanying program consisting of entertaining features, arts and culture presentations and tastings of gourmet specialities

What will we get with our participation in Export Festival CZ?

For foreign participants of the Festival, the value added of the event consists mainly in getting:
a) general current information on Czech export and international trade (lecture blocks – Export news for all)
b) contacts important for successful cooperation with Czech partners: the event will be attended by representatives of the Czech state institutions, business representations and embassies of foreign countries for the Czech Republic and enterprises cooperating with them
c) territorial information (presentation of joint chambers of commerce and embassies of countries classified as priority and interest pro-export countries)
d) possibility of presentation at the event with a maximum of partners with respect to their typology: government, business representations, active and potential exporters and trading partners, in the heart of Europe – Prague
e) view on art and gastronomy of other countries marked as pro-export priority and interest (accompanying program – Arts and flavours of the four continents)
this all at one place at the Festival of Export CZ 2014.

How to join Export Festival CZ?

Participation in the event is free of charge on the basis of online registration.

Accreditation for Export Festival CZ 2014 is necessary.


All current information can be found in FEX CZ 2014 for smart phones!

Application FEX CZ 2014 is available for both the operating system Android and iOS.
Version for Android is available through Google Play, which is free to download, or at this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cz.ackee.a4c.festivalexportu.
Version for iOS is available via the App Store, which is of course also free to download or right here at this link:https://itunes.apple.com/cz/app/festival-exportu/id880613610?mt=8.

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